WordPress has so many benefits for its users. You can write or promote your work and get better at interacting with your audience through various means. But one thing that still needs to be done is the email list. The email list is a big asset to any website or online business. But still many forget to create a good one. You can also find people who have created a good email list but do not sign it properly. It is very necessary that you have an email list and use it for the better of your website. 

Not many people know, but emails have a better response rate than SMS. Even the professionals suggest that you should use your email list. But it is a confusing matter in which way you should use it so that you can increase your audience and subscribers. The best way which is prevalent these days is email pop-ups. I know many people have wrong impressions of popups. There are many arguments surrounding the use of popups. But used wisely, it can be fruitful for your visitors and subscriber’s list. 

You can even use certain direct ways of creating pop-ups that will help you in creating it easily and will not cost you much money or time. That is by using plugins for email subscription popup. The question here arises now is which plugin to choose. For that, we will help you through this blog. We have enlisted some of the best plugins for your WordPress account.


Bloom is a premium plugin for popup subscription plugins. It has an amazing UI system that helps in creating great option forms for your website. These forms will not only be effective, but will also give you a visual effect on viewers. You can get many great templates for creating templates that are of high quality. They even have a variety of forms. 

Convert pro

Convert Pro is a product from the same company which created the convert plus plugin. Both Of these products were created by brainstorms. The level of quality, performance, and features are similar to Optin master. There is one big difference between the OTP in master and Convert pro that it is specifically curated for WordPress and changes are done in the server itself. 


In this list of many premium plugins, if you are someone who wants a free plugin, then Icegram plugin should be your choice. Even after being a free plugin, you can get an abundance of features in front of this plugin. They have many opinions about popup creations and creating sidebars. But you won’t get any visual builder in this plugin. 


Another free plugin in this list is Hustle. They are very popular in this field. They actively have 80000 sites for anyone who is looking forward to just creating the popups they should use for this plugin. But they are limited to a few features only when using the free version. Apart from that, they also have a time delay and scroll depth. 


Mailotpin is a great plugin for users who are looking for a free plugin. Though they are new in this field, their features are enriched. You can use the free version for WordPress easily. They have multiple templates for creating the forms and popups. You can build visually attractive and highly conversant popups with the help of this plugin. 

Final Verdict

In this blog, we have mentioned some of the most excellent options for email subscription plugins that can help your website in increasing the number of subscribers. Popups, when used in abundance, can cause irritation. But if you sign it only with limitations, then it is extremely helpful. The more views your popups get, the more conversions you will receive. 


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