Social media has overtaken other business ideas and platforms. Most businesses have started promoting themselves, their work, and the products or services that they offer through social media. It is no surprise that all the offline market starts shifting to the online mode and it has already been doing so during the pandemic. 

One thing which has also become popular on many social media platforms is the story. Many social media platforms have their own story and highlights. This helps the user in staying in touch with their followers and interacting with them on a regular basis. But what if I tell you that you can have the same feature on your own website? Yes, stories for your own WordPress website, which means you can use it for your purpose and it will be a part of your website and will not depend on other platforms. 

If you are unaware, then let me tell you that Google has also started this feature which will let your websites sign such stories. With the help of various features like Google Search Console, many popular websites are already ruling their domain with web stories. If you don’t exactly know what web stories are, then you have landed on the right page. In this blog, we will explain to you about the web stories and the process of using them for your website as well. Let’s start

What Are Web Stories?

Before you know how you can add Google web stories to your website, it is necessary that you understand what actually is web stories. If you already know everything about eh websites and you are here just to know the process of building it for your website, then you can skip to the next section. Like you might have seen on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and some of the other social media platforms, stories are a new rage there. 

Instead of publishing posts, people are more into stores which only stay for a limited time to share various parts of their work or their regular day. This is the reason that web stories are also getting popular. Web stories can be easily switched to check the next time, and it offers the display in full screen. If you don’t know, then you should know that Google provides high results for stories and is effective in promotion.

The only factor which is necessary for getting more views to check your stories is that you have to post high-quality and interactive stories. If your stories are entertaining, engaging, and informative, then you will see their results yourself. You can even use some kind of tools with which you can check the views and visits. 

Process To Build The Web Stories

Before you start the process of building web stories, you should download the plugin and follow the below steps:

  • Then you will see the interface of web stories and you can also use the upload sign for adding images to it. 
  • At the interface, you will see the design palette of different colors, themes, and signs.
  • After you have become familiar with the infant, you should try to create a story. 
  • For adding text to the image, you have to tap on the T. 
  • Check the drag-and-drop builder and you can use the colors and headings for your story. 
  • Post performing all the above tasks, you will see the story and can upload it to your website and add the link to it. 

Final Verdict

In the above blog, you got to know about the trending web series which is taking everyone’s attention due to its short span and entertainment factor. We have also explained the process with which you can build the web stories by Google for your website as well. It will help you in completing the process. The process is not difficult and can be done by newbies as well given if they follow all the steps. 


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