Starting a website is a big task. You have to take a lot of steps for it. Setting it up makes all the customizations and processes. It is difficult to start because of all the tasks that are involved in it. But the digital market is growing and almost every other business has to start online. Without this, their business will disappear. But growing isn’t that easy. You have to cope up with the web world. The primary focus of this blog will be to submit the sitemap of your website to Google. Let’s begin:

How to submit Sitemap to Google Search Console?

After you have created the sitemap on Google for your website it is time to submit it. This is a crucial part and many people seem to have doubts about that. Especially the new ones who don’t know much about the web world. If you are also one of them then this is the guide for you. In this section, we will explain to you the right way to submit the Sitemap to the Google search console. But first, let me tell you you should upgrade to the latest version of Google for this. If you can’t then you can check the following guide to this one where we will explain the process as per the older version. Let begin

  • The first step for submitting a sitemap is by logging in to the Google search console, it can be done simply in the easiest way. 
  • Once you have logged in to the Google search console then you can find your website for which you will be submitting the sitemap. This will be your 2nd step. 
  • After selecting your website on the Google search console you will have to tap on the left side. This will be on the left of the slide bar. This step is to begin the adding process of sitemap on the Google search console. 
  • When you have clicked on the left sidebar it is not time that you submit the sitemap here. 
  • Post submitting the sitemap file you have to click on the submit option. This will be a competition for the process. 

For the ones who don’t have the updated version they should check in the right of their screen and they will find the sitemap option in there. After clicking on it you will see the option for more and then you can click on it for further process. Then you have to submit the file by clicking on the add or the test option. The completion of the process will be on the optimization of the file. 

Final Words

In this blog, we have explained the way to submit the sitemap of your website. It will help you in submitting it after you have created it. Once you are done with the process you shall check the indexing of your sitemap. The process of it as well is simple. Sometimes it is not simple to find the sitemap immediately after you have submitted depending on the images and videos too. I would suggest waiting for some time after it is done. It is necessary that you submit it carefully. Do follow all the instructions given above and you will be good to go.


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