In the current time when every day a new website is starting, it has become difficult to find a web hosting which can help you in all the departments not because there are limited options but because there are way too many options. If you are reading this blog, this means that you have jotted down two of the most premium and effective options. SiteGround and WP Engine are both very popular web hosting, which has a special plan for WordPress hosting. This makes them a great choice for WordPress users. If you are struggling to finalize one opinion among these two, then this is the right blog for you. After reading this blog, you will be able to make a better decision. 


Uptime is one of those things that can actually affect the performance of your website; it also affects the user experience. This is why we take major consideration about uptime all the time when we are concerned about our web hosting platforms for WordPress. Both WP Engine and SiteGround have 100% uptime, which is great news for your website. You will see faster loading and almost no downtime from these servers. Though they guarantee 99.95% of uptime, which is the standard percentage, they always manage to provide more than that. It keeps your website running all the time without any hindrance or errors. 


The performance of the website is not only dependent on the web hosting or its server but the website and its weight as well. If your website is lightweight, then it will automatically load faster. Even media optimization helps with that. The website with a lighter weight should go for SiteGround, as it can be loaded faster with that. But the websites which have more features will benefit from the WP Engine. But in the overall scenario, WP Engine is a little better and faster. 


Every webmaster wants a website that is easy to use. Especially when you are a beginner, a user-friendly website always helps in better and smoother usage. If a web shotgun platform is user-friendly, it will save your efforts and time. It will also keep your form draining after work. Though both the web hosting is specially planned for WordPress hosting too. This means that WordPress hosting will be extremely easy on it. You can actually migrate your existing WordPress shotgun here in easy steps. Even if you want to create a new website, then it will be super easy for you. Within minutes, you will be able to create a new website. Both of the WordPress hostings are very simple and easy to use. 


Every website owner looks for web hosting, which is affordable as well as enriched with features. But if you have to buy every additional feature, then the WordPress shotgun becomes more expensive immediately. If you are deciding about which web hosting to choose for your WordPress website, then you should also check the freebies they provide, which will make your web shotgun a better deal. Both the web hosting have free SSL certificates. You can easily apply for them. But they do not provide a free domain. They have free and round-the-clock customer support, which is a significant factor in web hosting. 

Final Words

After reading this blog you might have reached the conclusion that which web hosting do you want to choose for your website. Though both of the websites stand right on most of the criteria but due to the performance and faster loading WP Engine gets a little higher in the run. Apart from that, all the other heads are almost similar in the web hosting for WordPress. 


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