In search engine optimization you can find many factors that are essential and other factors that are also important but are usually ignored. These factors do affect your website’s search engine ranking and optimization process. But one of the factors which are also important is the dofollow and nofollow links. These are highly talked about but are often ignored by newbies. 

    They barely have any of these links and what does it do? Well, if you are also someone who is looking for a guide who can explain to them about these matters then you are at the perfect place. In this blog, we will be talking about what are dofollow links and nofollow links in SEO and how they affect SEO? Also, we will be including the types of it. Keep reading to know everything about it.

    With so much confusion about the dofollow links and nofollow links it is evident that some of the bloggers or website owners might have been confused about it and its effect on the search engine or its ranking. But in this section, we have explained both the link types so you can understand the methodology better. It affects your link juice focus and does not give the same results. So next time when you are going to some website for the link to your site do check if it is dofollow or the nofollow links. 

    What is the nofollow link?

    A nofollow link is a link type that indicates that a website that is linked to the other site does not suggest the site for the following. It helps the website to reach the search engine for the upgrade to that site’s ranking. But with nofollow links, your website is not getting the same response. It lacks the link juice in this way. 

    If any website or page has mentioned your website in the page or content then it will not be helpful to make much progress for your website performance or the ranking. The purpose of these links is to not bring any change or put your website to any advantage for the search engine. It is also to stop scams that some websites play for gaining high ranking or visibility from search engines.

    The nofollow link has this attribute where it does not disturb the search result by posting a website link to their site. When a nofollow link is posted then it means it is not suggesting Google or any search engine about your website. 

    But there is a twist to that. In recent times Google has made some changes for the nofollow links in which states that it does not follow the attribute of the nofollow link and will still consider it as a referral. If you are publishing a link to any site this means a suggestion to google. Though the placement of the link also plays an important role. If the link is mentioned at the top it is about to make a significant difference. But if it is placed at the bottom it will bring the least change to it. 

    What Is a dofollow link?

    Dofollow links are also the links that are posted on a website or its content to your website. But unlike nofollow links, it gives a lot of link juice to your site. It also helps in the ranking and performance of your website in the search engine result. It can be used by both humans and search engines.

    To Conclude

    In this blog, we explained the follow and unfollow links and their effect on the search engine results and the website performance. You shall check before you are edging for links to other sites that which one they are applying for your link. Though with the changed algorithm now the nofollow link is also impactful but it still stays less effective than the dofollow link. But to follow links can be misleading easily as well.


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