If you have been using WordPress for some time then you might have heard the word slug before. There are many guides and directions in making better slugs or creating optimized slugs for WordPress. But having no idea of how to do it is one problem but now knowing what slug is another. We are here to explain to you both. What Slug is and how do you create SEO optimized Slug for WordPress. 

    What Is a Slug?

    You can understand Slug as the automatically created text at the end of the URL link of your WordPress post. You don’t create it yourself but it is done automatically. You might be creating the right title which will end up being the WordPress slug. 

    Optimizing Slug For WordPress SEO

    After understanding what the slug means it is time to learn how you can optimize it. Slug SEO is simple to do and in this section, we have tips for you that can help you in WordPress slug free and optimized. 

    Using Keywords in Slugs

    For SEO keywords are very essential. This is why adding keywords is the first tip you will hear from anyone. For optimizing Slug you have to add keywords to it. When you add an article about my family’s best vacation to Lonavala in the monsoon season. These keywords and search results are more likely to rank for Lonavala in the monsoon season. Best vacation to Lonavala, rather than a family vacation in Lonavala. 

    Make it relevant but short

    When you are adding slugs make sure you are creating very simple and short slugs. These slugs should be short and easy so it is simple to remember them for you as well as for the readers too. When it is simple the search engine will also let it crawl better to your site and the readers will be able to link it. The relevance is also necessary so that the right content can be ranked. 

    Don’t add unnecessary words

    As we have mentioned in the last tip you have to keep your slug short, you should not add any unnecessary words to it. This means that you have to cut away any irrelevant stops or words like as, a the, in, or any kind of word which are not required in the keywords or optimization. You have to add only those words which can help you in ranking and getting in the search engine result. 

    Make it permanent

    Some users are more prone to keep making edits on their website, web pages and other content. But when it comes to slugs you should leave it like that only. When you are creating slugs make sure that you are making it as relevant as it can be even for the future too. This will ensure that you don’t have to make changes in the future. When you try to change the slugs or edit something in it then it can end up in a 404 error. Even if you are making any changes then you should try to add the old URL to the new URL correctly. 

    Final Take

    We have added all the significant and relevant points in this blog for keeping the slug optimized for WordPress SEO. You should try and take all these stores seriously and not miss out on any of them. Make sure you are using the right keywords when creating slugs and not using too many or unnecessary ones. Try to add relevant keywords and make them permanent so you don’t have to make changes in the future. 


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