Author: Aneeta

According to the Statista report. In 2021, the global legal tech market was valued at 18.4 billion U.S. dollars, with the market set to increase further in the coming years. If you own a law firm, there is a good chance that you are also worried about how to smoothly bill your clients and manage your law firm efficiently, it’s not surprising that many lawyers are using the billing and law firm practice management software from the start. For most lawyers, choosing the best legal billing and case management software is a challenging task. You have several options to choose…

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Technology these days plays a huge role in shaping the workflow of any business and the legal industry is no exception. In the legal industry, legal tech plays a vital role to make sure that your practice runs smoothly. When we talk about adapting to tech solutions in law firms, lawyers and legal professionals are quite reluctant as not everyone is tech-savvy. It’s no surprise that lawyers have used countless tech solutions like the finest legal billing software to drive more productivity and efficiency in their firms. The legal tech industry is flooded with different software intended to be sold…

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In this digital era, every kind of business and profession is turning their faces to digital form. Going digital is beneficial in many ways it saves your cost, time, money, and energy. The exposure and approach also get wider with the digital era. When it comes to legal firms, digitalization is extremely necessary. The delicacy of their work is high. They have many case studies and legal research that need digital formats.  Working manually is draining and takes a lot of time. You have to search for files from the pile of cases. This is why you need legal case…

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Every day, more than 500 million individuals use their smartphones to create and watch Instagram Stories. Additionally, one-third of consumers claim that stories about specific brands and products that feature such things heighten their attention. Instagram Stories increase your audience and engagement and, in some cases, have a positive impact on consumer behavior. Initially, the Instagram Story feature was created to assist firms in quickly showcasing their unique selling points to their followers through the use of short photographs and videos. Additionally, Stories provide a little glimpse into the behind-the-scenes action, which is very popular with followers. Since the feature’s…

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You’ve been putting a lot of effort into your website and are eager to see it at the top of the search results. However, your content is having trouble getting over the tenth-page barrier. If your website deserves to be ranked higher and you have optimized its content, there may be a problem with your website crawlability. Numerous factors might contribute to a website’s poor crawlability. While some of these problems can be easily fixed, others call for a more seasoned hand. In this blog, we will analyze 5 common hurdles to effective website crawlability, along with their solutions. What…

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WordPress is used by millions of websites in multitudinous languages. It allows you to build websites in whichever language you prefer. Unfortunately, WordPress does not provide the functionality to construct multilingual websites. Thanks to certain sophisticated WordPress translation plugins, you can quickly add multilingual content to your website. The greatest WordPress translation plugins for building multilingual websites are featured in this blog. To assist you in choosing the ideal alternative for your website, we will examine the top seven translation plugins on the basis of their features, advantages, and disadvantages. If your company operates internationally or globally, having a monolingual…

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Creating a law firm newsletter will allow you to stay in touch with your clients and stay at the top of their minds. Additionally, it’s a simple approach to demonstrate your knowledge and interact with possible new clients. Think about your personal email inbox: when you receive a regular newsletter with helpful or fascinating information, you open it. You could even store it for later use or simply unsubscribe from a random, uninteresting newsletter. Newsletters for law firms are no different. They must benefit your audience or they risk being removed and forgotten.  Uncertain about where to begin? That’s alright;…

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What is keyword stuffing? Simply put, keyword stuffing is the unhealthy habit of stuffing a web page with random keywords in an attempt to influence search engine rankings. A web page’s visibility could earlier be increased by manipulating Google’s SERP (search engine results page). Consequently, search engines improved, and began penalising keyword stuffing. Google has the authority to penalise your site by lowering its ranking or even by removing it entirely from its index. Common keyword stuffing practices to avoid Repetition of words or phrases that aren’t necessary and adding irrelevant and out of context language. Using keywords that are…

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Being successful with search engine optimization (SEO) in the age of Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, and other significant Google algorithm updates requires creating high-quality content that attracts links. But if your site contains structural or other technical problems, no amount of high-quality content will make a difference in your search engine rankings. This blog outlines the most common technical SEO issues that firms face along with their solution. What is technical SEO? Technical SEO involves improving your website and server to make crawling and indexing easier for search engine spiders. It is crucial to make sure Google bots can easily navigate…

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Email remains one of the most convenient, economical, and uncomplicated forms of communication, whether it is for personal or professional use. In the modern world, the office address—an address connected to your company name—is just as significant as your business email. Business domains can be found in the second half of email addresses, as in Numerous vendors and service providers offer both free and paid options for setting up business emails. Today, I’ll show you how to use Zoho business email to quickly and easily create a free business email account that you can use to connect to your…

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