Author: Pushpak Thankur

In the pool of numerous legal case management software, choosing one can be the most laborious task. But it can become easy if you know what your requirements are. As well as what you are looking for in your legal billing software. In this blog we will talk about two of the popular legal case management software in the industry. CASEpeer and CaseFox both are well known in the industry. These software offers different pricing and features. We will compare both these softwares in our blog and we will see which is suitable for your firm. If you are looking…

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With the current scenario, it is now obvious that more and more websites are starting every day. One of the essential factors for starting a website is the web hosting service. There are a lot of options to choose from the web hosting service provider. The availability of plenty of options is not a good factor, it only makes the choice a difficult task. You have to choose from a lot of options. There are as many options, but one option which justified its name is GoDaddy. GoDaddy is a legendary web hosting service that is also popular for its…

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Some might say that email has died in recent times where social media and quick contact sources have taken its space. But it is all a myth because emails are still having a great impact on users and can be used as a subtle and professional way of contacting clients or customers. If you are wondering how you can send the email newsletter that every other website is working and talking about, then here is the guide which will help you in the process. Start by generating an email list You cannot start working on the email newsletter until you…

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Websites have many ways of promoting their content and work. Webmasters are always working on sem strategy. Some days it is about creating the content and the other days it is about promoting that content. Starting a blog is not simple, you have to face a lot of difficulties. Prompting the connection is very difficult, but with some of the methods, it can be possible even for the newcomers to promote their content faster and to a wider range of audiences. SEO and digital marketing go hand in hand. You have to take their path to promote and spread your…

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Web hosting is the most essential part of starting any website. But it is also one of the most difficult parts which users might not consider as important. There are various kinds of platforms to host a website and WordPress is among the most popular ones. Its number of users is growing every day. Though you don’t need any web hosting separately to run a WordPress website. But if you want the process to be better and easier, then you might want to use WordPress hosting. You might be wondering what WordPress hosting is. WordPress hosting is like any other…

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Any blogger or website owner knows the importance of ads for their website. It is considered the biggest way of earning through your website. Many bloggers started out small but they are successful right now and one of the reasons among affiliate ad promotions in ads marketing. Our website is not successful. Even if you are getting a high number of visitors or traffic, it is sometimes a difficult situation to find the perfect source for getting deals. One of the platforms which pops into anyone’s mind when they think about ad marketing is AdSense. They offer great services and…

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Digitalization has made so many things more accessible and easier. But it has so many things happening every day that some of the time it is difficult to even stay aware of the current trend or strategy. Google and other search engines have made a lot of progress in the world and are ready to reign more. One thing which has been accessible for some time now is the visual search. There is no doubt that digitalization and the internet have come a long way by now. Visual search has actually made a lot of things easier and simpler for…

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Law firms have a lot to handle every day. They have a never-ending pile of tasks, case studies, and clients’ requirements. But it is also necessary that they maintain their website to gain a better response from the users so that they can retain the old client but also gain new ones one thing which has become essential for any kind of website is SEO. it is not possible for a lawyer or the owner of a law firm to have many clients, cases, and the SEO of the website at the same time. But if we say that you…

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Marketing is the most essential part of any business. Without marketing, it is impossible to reach the growth and success you are willing for your business. Marketing is not new and has been used by many people. Digital marketing is only the advanced way of traditional marketing. There are various ways which you can use to promote our brand. But the strategy differs when you are targeting the marketing for B2C or B2B. For B2B you have to create a plan which will make a better impact on other businesses in which you want to work in.  Also, it is…

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Having a legal firm is a daunting task in itself and the other things just make it more difficult. You might have worked out yourself a lot of times because of various requirements and responsibilities that come with it. Many legal firms have a lot of clients but they cannot manage them all and they end up uploading a lot of their precious clients because of a lack of time and energy. It is impossible for a legal firm owner to be an expert in every section. The finance, management and case studies are some of the aspects which are…

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