Many people are planning on quitting their 9-5 job and becoming a blogger. This is a dream for most people because it will free them from the bounding life. When many people are sure that they want to do blogging they are not sure enough from where they should start. 

    The first thing they need to finalize is the blogging niche. Starting without finalizing your blogging niche is like going to market without knowing what to buy. In this blog, we will help you in finding out the perfect much for your blogging journey. 

    Why do you need Niche selection?

    Finalizing a niche is important so that you know what you are getting yourself into. Blogging can be fine by you but blogging about the same topic for a long time can be hectic. So this is why it is necessary that you do the analyzing process in advance so that you don’t have to rethink it later. 

    What to avoid while selecting a blog niche?

    While you are selecting the best topic for yourself here are some points that you need to avoid while selecting the blogging niche:

    1. Not picking a concise topic

    You should not go for a too generic topic. Narrow it down with a sub-topic and then pick one that will give you a more filtered audience.

    2. Starting without performing research

    Do not just you into a blogging topic but perform the right research for it. This will prepare you for the coming consequences and challenges. 

    3. Not switching the niche on time

    There can be a time when you won’t find your niche fun enough anymore, or you don’t have much more to write about it. That is the time when you should consider switching your niche

    4. Fewer revenue options

    If the topic you are thinking about does not have many monetization options then you might need to rethink the topic again because it will become difficult to continue. 

    Factors to consider before picking the niche

    Here are some points that you need to consider when you are finalizing your blogging niche:

    1. If you will be able to write on this topic at least for a year

    When you are deciding your blogging niche then you need to consider the fact that you will be blogging about that same topic for a long time if not forever. Think about at least a year that you will be able to blog about it for that long. 

    2. If you are an expert in this topic

    To write about something means you have to already know of it. It is fine if you are not a genius of that topic but you must be planning to be an expert in it. Without the right knowledge of the topic, you won’t be able to write about it. 

    3. If this topic has too high competition

    Of course, you are planning to give in everything in your blogging career. But before you jump into the topic, think about the competition level in that niche. If there is high competition then you will be facing a lot of problems for blogging success. 

    4. If this topic will be relevant in future

    You might find out the topic you are selecting if you are passionate about it, and the competition as well is low but if the topic won’t be relevant for a long time then there is no use in starting on it. 

    5. If you will be able to earn from this niche or not

    This entirely depends on your motive. If you are starting blogging for fun then it’s fine you can write about many topics, but if you are planning to generate a living out of it then you need to rethink the topic and its monetizing value. 

    Wrapping Up

    By considering the above-mentioned points it will be easier for you to finalize the blogging niche and start on your career.


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