Author: Pushpak Thankur

WordPress has so many things on a daily basis that you have to keep a check on. So much content to post and keep a track of other matters related to it. But one thing that makes it easiest is the plugin. You can really start a website and feel no worry because WordPress has a plugin for every function and you can freely work on the content creation. All the time your website might be getting replies from your users and customers. Many of them are communicating with you through the forms which are considered the easiest and most…

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Digitalization is everywhere. Nothing can beat any business or website which has its digital marketing game up. There are so many factors and sources that can help a person get a better plan for digital marketing for their business or website. But due to a lack of budget, they don’t follow their plan. But let me tell you that digital marketing is affordable and still effective. Small businesses have one big concern about finding affordable ways to make better plans for digital marketing. But in this blog we will help you with the best digital marketing ideas to grow your…

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Google is a premium platform that has its own algorithm. It is so difficult to say what will work for your website because every time something else is working. It is not possible to track the current algorithm. There are always new algorithms and strategies introduced. But one thing which is certain and permanent is getting your website ranked higher on Google. This is the primary goal of most website owners. But you can find many problems while you are going through the process of getting your website ranked. One of those major problems is the indexing of your website.…

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Web hosting is a crucial factor in the web world. With the increasing number of websites, the significance of web hosting service providers has also increased. There are various types of web hosting services available from which you can easily choose the right type. Shared hosting is the primary and most basic type of shared hosting which is affordable and effective. If you are wondering what shared hosting is and will it be good for your website then you have landed on the right page. In this blog we will discuss these points to help you in making a better…

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WordPress website owners have so many things to work on every day. But one thing that helps in making this easy is the plugins. Any WordPress user who has been using the platform for a while now can easily understand the significance of the plugins. There are many kinds of plugins that have made their palace in the WordPress industry. You will find some names to be the certain and more frequent ones. But one name which is considered to be most crucial and essential is Hubspot. For the longest time, HubSpot has been providing its services for WordPress in…

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Social media is an essential platform in today’s time. It is no longer limited to just entertainment or contact. It is used for business and professional purposes as well. There are many things that digitalization has helped with. One of those things is ads and marketing. It is a lot easier for every website or business to promote themselves because they have social media and a web world. Many of our readers were confused why their Facebook ads were not that impressive and didn’t show any results. For all of you, we have created this guide in which you will…

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There are so many things that are related to digitization that can help your website and business succeed. One of the ways which has been most famous and relevant for the longest time is emailing. Businesses and brands have been building an email list for decades now. It proves how important it is to have it because you can reach a lot of people without having to spend any cost on it. But there are times when the creators don’t know how they should be using their email template, so here is the blog that will help you in creating…

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If you’re someone who is willing to learn about adding blogroll to the WordPress website, this is the right blog for you. This blogger will understand how you can easily add a blogroll on your WordPress website without facing many troubles and that too in a few steps. Earlier this was a problem when blogroll was considered a default feature, but now when blogging is more of a profession or mainstream, this is not obvious, which is why this blog will be helpful for you: Creating a blogroll is not that difficult. Some users might find it a little difficult…

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How many times you have left a website and jumped on another website because of a bad user experience. When your website cannot give a good user experience to its users it is very obvious that the visitors or users will go to other websites. It is very necessary that your website is able to provide a good user experience. Especially in this time when human attention has reduced to seconds. So if you cannot satisfy your visitor or users the chances are they won’t visit the website again. Many times when website owners are doing the maintenance of the…

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Google has an abundance of sources that it provides for making everyone’s life a little easier. Even for the website owners, there are many ways and tools that are effective and beneficial and for free as well. In Spite of being free, the tools offered by Google are effective and show the impact of using them. One of those tools that Google has provided and made a website owner easier to use is Google Analytics. All the tools available from google are superior. Especially when they are free they make the benefit seem double. Google Analytics is perfect for someone…

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