How many times you have left a website and jumped on another website because of a bad user experience. When your website cannot give a good user experience to its users it is very obvious that the visitors or users will go to other websites. It is very necessary that your website is able to provide a good user experience. Especially in this time when human attention has reduced to seconds. So if you cannot satisfy your visitor or users the chances are they won’t visit the website again. 

    Many times when website owners are doing the maintenance of the website they often forget about several factors that might affect the user experience. These things not only decrease the number of visitors but also the ranking on search engines. You do not want your website to lose ranking which is already difficult to reach on initial pages. One of the biggest reasons for a user experience is 404 pages. This is also the most ignored factor for this issue. It is not simple to find the 404 page. But you should take some time and do the search for it and redirect to some other page or link.

    Why do you get 404 pages?

    Everyone knows that fading 404 pages on a website really makes them super irritated but what someone doesn’t know is why it happened. There are many reasons for a 404 page. First when you post a link and that link does not have anything then it will show a 404 page. If you had posted something but currently the page is empty then as well it will show a 404 error. Some of the times you may have entered the wrong link which can be one of the reasons. Well, whatever the reason is among the hundreds of them, the solution needs to be done immediately. In the following section, you will get to know how to find and fix 404 errors.

    Finding and fixing the 404 error

    There are multiple ways of finding and fixing the 404 error on the WordPress website. But in this section, we will be discussing the most used and simplest method of finding the 404 error on the WordPress website and fixing it. The method is by using the All in One SEO plugin. All In One SEO. It is popularly known as AIO SEO. The method is very popular among professionals too. You can easily find more than 2 million users of this method. 

    When you try to find 404 errors with the help of AIO SEO then the process will be faster and easier. It only requires a few steps before you can find and fix the issue of the 404 error. But keep in mind that you don’t have to use the free version for this process. You should install the pro version which has the solution to this issue. Once you have installed it, quickly activate the plugin. After the activation goes to the redirects section and reaches the settings. 

    After this you will find the log section beneath which is the 404 log then you have to enable it. Post this you will find the link at the screen which shows the error. You have to find those links and redirect to the target link.

    Final Thoughts

    Any kind of error or issue with the website can make the user-experience bad. 404 error is very common and should be taken care of by the website owners. It is important to find and fix it. You just have to follow the above-mentioned steps. 404 errors can cause many downfalls for your website. From lower ranking on search engines to a decrease in the number of users. If you haven’t already started finding and fixing the 404 error then you should do it now. 


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