Every website owner or blogger knows about the Bluehost web hosting. It is a popular name in the web world. It has many great features which benefit its users. But one of the essential ones which we will be discussing in this blog is a Free SSL certificate. You will get to learn how you can stall the free SSL certificate and get the advantages of it. The below guide will direct you step by step about the pre and post-process too. Let’s begin:

    Steps To Follow For Installing The Free SSL Certificate

    In this section, we have explained how you can install the free SSL certificate in the Bluehost hosting. The steps are really simple and can also be followed by a person who is not really a genius in technology. But first, there are some precautions that you must follow before starting the installation of the Free SSL certificate. It is instructed by professionals to stop the Who Is Guard before you start the installation process. 

    You do not have to disable it for long hours just for a couple of hours and then this will stop the web hosting from sending the emails in which they ask for the authority of the domains. You don’t have to wait for too long and as soon as you have installed the SSL Certificate you can again enable the Who is a guard. 

    As you know, Bluehost has started to offer a free SSL Certificate. You can begin to use this freebie by entering into the account. There on the web hosting dashboard, you will find my sites which will lead you to manage sites. After you have reached it then you have to tap on the security. This will provide you with access to the SSL panel. You will then see the button by clicking, which you will start the installation process of the SSL Certificate. 

    After performing the above steps, you will see the installed SSL certificate or the dialogue which says working on it. Though it does take some work to install the free SSL certificate in some scenarios, it is advised to report this through email. Then you will receive a guide for the process which you will have to do to amend the error. After that, you will get an email from the official team of Bluehost which will suggest you the free SSL certificate purchase made by you. 

    When you get the notification of the complete installation of the free SSL certificate, then you shall proceed to the next step, which is transferring the HTTP to HTTPS. You shall even take the help of an SSL checker to confirm the installation of your SSL certificate. It is not very simple to migrate from HTTP to HTTPS. You will need to do certain steps which will be helpful. 

    You should start by installing a plugin for SSL. then you will need to edit and add the HTTPS code for redirecting. When you have added it, it is wise to also update all the details.

    Final Verdict

    In this blog, we explained every detail which is required for installing the Free SSL certificate. You can simply install it by following the above-mentioned guide. Do not forget to follow the steps which are instructed after the installation, too. They are significant for completing the process. This guide will be helpful for anyone who is building a website and will sign the Bluehost Web hosting for their website. There are many features with this web hosting, but a free SSL certificate remains the best one amongst them.


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